Ubilinux on the Intel Galileo: Tmrh20's RF24 Library for nRF24L01+ radios (Part III)
[Deprecated - Updated post is here ] *sigh* The saga continues. So, I did some googling around, and found a blog where a guy recommended installing a tool called valgrind. Apparently valgrind is a memory leak detector amongst many other things. Was a bit skeptical but I went right ahead, apt-get install'd valgrind and then invoked my new program under valgrind as follows; valgrind ./program After about a minute or two, valgrind shows me an error at some memory location, explaining that it encountered an illegal/invalid instruction at that location and gave me two reasons why that could happen. Following the...stack trace....it printed, the problem seemed to be coming from code in the librf24-bcm.so file. Strange. After some more Google-fu, which eventually led me to Wikipedia, I found that the Quark X1000 SoC used on the Galileo did not support SSE or MMX instructions, and was instruction-set architecture compatible with the i586 family. I thought about it, and it seemed ...